Group Performance (QR Mn)
  31/12/2018 31/12/2017
Rental Income 1,319.3 1,481.7
Other operating revenues 54.9 58.0
Operating expenses (307.0) (374.8)
Operating profit for the period 1,067.2 1,164.9
Dividends income from equity investments 124.1 241.8
Net gain on sale of equity investments - 500.2
Net gain on sale of equity-accounted investees - 177.8
Share from the results of equity accounted investees 102.1 141.4
Impairment loss of of associate companies - (162.2)
Impairment loss of available for sale financial assets - (67.5)
Loss from disposal of subsidiaries - (33.9)
NET OPERATING PROFIT 1,293.3 1,962.6
Gain on revaluation of investment properties - 457.3
Other income 7.7 241.3
General and administrative expenses (195.3) (244.1)
Provision for claims (41.1) -
Impairment loss of property and equipment (23.9) -
Depreciation (33.9) (15.6)
Finance costs (835.5) (709.6)
Impairment of doubtful receivables (29.5) (6.2)
Loss for the year from discontinued operations - (3.5)
Net Profit 141.8 1,682.0
Shareholders of the Group 433.8 1,693.2
Non Controlling Interest (291.9) (11.2)
Earnings attributable to shareholders per share 0.16 0.64